News Item by Bryony Ormes in the Maldon Standard 19th November 2019

Campaign group’s joy as Tollesbury homes rejected

Plans for close to 100 homes which were slammed by residents have been refused by Maldon District Council.

The planning application by Gladman for up to 90 homes in Mell Road, Tollesbury, was turned down.

The decision came after months of campaigning from the group Housing Action by Residents of Tollesbury (Hart).

More than 1,500 objection letters were posted on the council website, without a single letter of support.

Maldon District Council’s planning team said: “The site is in a sensitive rural location outside of the defined settlement boundary for Tollesbury where policies of restraint apply.

“Inadequate information has been submitted to demonstrate the proposal would not result in negative impacts on important ecological assets.”

The council also claims there were inadequate plans for affordable housing and the impacts of the development on the existing healthcare services would not be able to be mitigated.

The council can now liaise with Gladman to discuss the best course of action. Gladman can appeal against the decision.

Hart’s Emma Stevens said: “Hart is delighted with the council’s decision to refuse this planning application, and gratified by the enormous response from all the residents of Tollesbury.

“We would fully expect Gladman to take it to appeal – our danger is people will get fatigued with it all and we don’t want that to happen.

“We’re now reviewing the council’s report, and fundraising in case we need to hire a planning consultant or lawyers.

“It will be more hard work, but we’re ready for it.

“If an appeal does go ahead, Tollesbury could turn into a commuter village. It will just be a place to sleep.”

When the application was submitted Gladman said it recognised its responsibility to respect the character of the village and needs of the existing community, as well as providing housing for new and existing residents.