Maldon District Council Local Development Plan Review 2021+ Call for Sites

Maldon District Council have now published their HOUSING AND ECONOMIC LAND AVAILABILITY ASSESSMENT (HELAA) January 2022. Details of the Assessment can be viewed at the Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment report. The HELAA does not determine whether a Site should be granted planning permission as the proposed development Sites will be assessed through the normal planning application process. For details of the Maldon District Council planning application process see,

Details of the proposed development Sites e.g.  location, name and assessment information, can be viewed via the Web Map, see,

From a Tollesbury village perspective, whilst 12 sites were assessed for possible development, 4 sites were considered not suitable, with 8 sites considered suitable. Maldon District Council estimate that if all 8 sites were developed then the 8 sites may result in an increase of 754 housing units in the village, 169 housing units to the east of Station Road and 585 housing units to the west of Station Road.

Snapshot of the identified sites in Tollesbury