Outline planning for the land to the north of West St has now been lodged with Maldon District Council and can be found here

Please ensure you leave your comments on the MDC website if you are registered.
We will be looking closely at the application over the next few days and again will guide you through how to make comments if you need help.
According to Welbeck Land, the land promoter acting on behalf of the land owner,  96 residents replied to their questionnaire that was sent to all villagers earlier in the year or left comments on their website. If you were one of those that returned the form or left a comment on the Welbeck website please ensure that you comment on the MDC website too, as those comments sent to Welbeck are not taken into account by MDC when reviewing the planning application.
Details of the comments made to Welbeck regarding the planned development north of West St. can be found in the Statement of Community Involvement document on the MDC website or here
It does seem again, like the Obsidian application, from the replies that there is little support for this proposed development. However, as we know from the previous proposals, the more comments made the more chance we have of saving our village from over development.
Please remember to make your comments before Tuesday 4th January 2024. We will endeavour to have this extended as this is a major development and there are many documents. Given that it has been submitted to co-inside with the Christmas holiday period we feel is unfair too.
HART are meeting in the coming days to formulate our plan, we are already ploughing through the numerous documents and statements and will highlight the inconsistencies, mis-leading statements, false claims, and veiled promises usually submitted by developers.

We would like to add that Welbeck give the impression that Tollesbury Parish Council supports the submission. This is a ‘false impression’ and the Parish Council will be publishing an open letter in the coming days stating their disappointment with Welbeck.