The expiry dates for the developments either side of West Street Tollesbury have been extended AGAIN!
This means objection letters can still be submitted. New information has been lodged by the developers and consultees for both sites too, more details to follow on that next week!
23/00548/OUTM – West Street south (Obsidian), we can now submit objections until Wednesday 27th March 2024
23/01160/OUTM – West Street north (Welbeck), we can now submit objections until Sunday 31st March 2024
If you require help with your objection HART will be in The Lighthouse, Tollesbury on the following dates:
- Saturday 9th March 10am til noon
- Saturday 16th March 10am til noon
- Saturday 23rd March 10am til noon
- Saturday 30th March 10am til noon
So far there have been 808 objections registered against West Street south and 465 objections registered against West Street north.