We managed to collect over 1,500 signatures to oppose the development that was proposed by Gladman for Mell Road back in 2019.
We gathered over 800 signatures against the Obsidian development on the south side of West Street for 200 homes, the application has now been withdrawn!
To date we have managed to collect over 400 signatures opposing the Welbeck development on the north of West Street for 159 houses.
Please come along to The Lighthouse, East St Tollesbury, next Saturday 23rd March between 10am and noon to sign an objection letter to the Welbeck development or get more information regarding the planning application proposal.
Time is running out, and we need to get as many letters of objection in to Maldon District Council as possible before the closing date.
If you wish to send in your own objection to Maldon District Council make sure you use the reference 23/01160/OUTM on your letter.
Thanks to all those people who have already signed up.
Full details of the planning application can be found here