Welbeck has now submitted their Outline Planning Application to Maldon District Council for 159 new houses on farmland to the north of West Street, Tollesbury.
Planning ref 23/01160/OUTM, Land to the North of West St Tollesbury
If you are also opposed to this, NOW is the time to formally object!
Maldon District Council have now checked the application; and it is registered; we can now lodge our objections.
ANYONE can object. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, so one household could submit four different objection letters. You don’t have to live in Tollesbury either, although your connection should be stated. You don’t have to be 18 to comment. Powerful objections can sometimes come from children!
We’ve prepared a one page sample letter containing several valid objection points for those living in Tollesbury. You can send this as it stands, or build on it by drawing from the valid objection points below. Simple volume of letters is vital, but raising lots of different issues is really important too. If you live in Tolleshunt D’Arcy there is a sample letter for you as well, also available in the Downloads & Links section below.
From all the advice we’ve received, we’re really very confident that if we all object, using the valid points provided here, “Team Tollesbury” can fight this off. Sending the highest possible volume of letters will show how strongly this unique village feels.
The points below are based on Maldon’s Local Development Plan (LDP) and the over-arching National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), and related documents. That makes them strong, valid, and lawful.
- We recommend using 4 or 5 of the suggested objections below – or more if you can!
- Please do use some from the TOP VALUE list.
- Then pick whichever are the most important to you from the FURTHER LIST.
- Do stick to the points listed.
But if you think you’ve found a new angle please do let us know so we can add it here.
- Don’t undermine your case by using other points: planners are NOT allowed to consider them.
eg Loss of private view (but general “outlook” is a valid point)
eg Loss of value to your property
eg Loss of private access rights
eg Land ownership issues
- After each point that you use, you can say why you feel the proposal doesn’t comply with it, and why you think this point is important
- Anyone can object, including children, so ONE HOUSEHOLD COULD SUBMIT SEVERAL LETTERS
- If you’re not from Tollesbury we strongly recommend you state your connection. Eg “I sail from Tollesbury every week so I feel really strongly …”
- If you get stuck please do phone for help! Or look visit us at one of our drop in sessions around the Tollesbury over the coming weeks
- You needn’t sign your letter – see Public access statement
Public access statement extracted from Maldon District Council website: Maldon District Council is required by law to make all comments received available for inspection by any members of the public. If you do not wish to reveal personal information such as your written signature, personal telephone number or email address, these do not need to be provided. You must, however, state your name – this can be typewritten – and [postal] address. Confidential representations cannot be accepted.
- If you have legal or other relevant qualifications, do include all the letters of your qualifications after your name.
- Send your objection by one of the following:
- Preferably via Maldon District Council’s online service at www.maldon.gov.uk/info/20046/development_management/8109/planning_applications. You will need to register first.
Do cc yourself as it would be useful if you can then forward it to Tollesbury.HART@btinternet.com and TollesburyPC@btinternet.com - Or by email to planning@maldon.gov.uk
It would be useful to copy Tollesbury.HART@btinternet.com and TollesburyPC@btinternet.com.
- Or by post to Planning Services, Maldon District Council, Princes Road, Maldon CM9 5DL
It would be useful to copy HART and the Parish Council at:
Tollesbury.HART@btinternet.com or HART, c/o 98 Mell Road, Tollesbury, CM9 8SR
TollesburyPC@btinternet.com or Parish Clerk. Tollesbury Parish Council. PO Box 13205, Maldon, CM9 9FU